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Asians and North Face in SF April 5, 2009

Posted by rebellyesrankin in Outfits/Clothes.
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Everyone knows what North Face is right? It’s an outdoors brand that has the logo of the Half Dome. So what do I have to say about it? You would understand this more if you live in San Francisco from where I am. If you attend a public school here in the Bay Area, you know exactly why. You see, in my school, the only people who wears and has North Face items are the Asians. Yes, Asians. Again, it may differ because you live somewhere else and the majority in your place are not like SF.

So anyway, here is what I have to say. 99.9% of NorthFace items such as backpacks, windbreakers, jacket, and sweaters that are North Face are owned by Asians. I am dead serious. Oh my god, why? Why is that? What’s so special about North Face? I mean if you go outdoors I understand that it is an ideal brand to have. But that’s what sucks about it, they’re not going outdoors!!! I swear, you see an ABC (American Born Chinese) for example, here is how they will look: they will have a North Face windbreaker or sweater. Their backpack is also a North Face. Yes, I know right. But here is where is gets worse. So these people wear a windbreaker to school, almost everyday right? What kills me is the way they wear their windbreakers/sweater. It is ALWAYS zipped ALL THE WAY up! Why? I am serious, They always have their sweater or jacket zipped all the way up. I guesse they think it’s cool. Because you know, they want to look like Naruto or those anime character that usually has a collar up to their chin. I don’t know.

When I see these people anywhere, the bus, in school, streets, that’s how I can tell they’re an ABC, they wear North Face. That’s the reason why I don’t wear or buy any North Face, because I don’t want to look or be labeled like them. By the way, I just want to say that I have NOTHING against Asians/ Chinese. All I’m saying is how North Face is related to them. So I don’t want to have a North Face because of that reason. You see, I have a streotype or bias against people based on the way they wera clothes. It might sound like a bad thing but EVERONE does. Don’t you? And based on my observations, there is somethiing about all North Face wearer that I am not a fund of.

The Clothing Brands I Hate April 5, 2009

Posted by rebellyesrankin in Outfits/Clothes.
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If you live in San Francisco, the same place I live, you’ll know exactly why this blog is what it is. There some clothing brands that I don’t dare to buy and just in general I HATE. No affense to those people who loves the brand to much. These are the brands I hate so much:

  1. Abercrombie and Fitch
  2. Hollister
  3. American Eagle
  4. Aeropostale
  5. LRG

So why do I hate these brands? One is because it’s such as mainstream brand. And I’m anti-mainstream! Secondly because here in San Francisco, in all public school MOST people who wear these brands, and ASIANS. Yeah. You might disagree and it’s probably because you don’t live here in where I am. I know right, aren’t these brands “White” brands? Why are they “Asian” brand? I just want to make clear that I have NOTHING against Asians (I have a lot of asian friends) or Whites. All I’m saying is that I’m so confused why they wear it. Do they wanna be like White? I don’t know.

If your in disbelief, I swear, here in San Francisco Asians are the ones wearing them(other than Whites). But again, I also just don’t like it because it’s so mainstream. I feel like when I wear something mainstream, I’m being tagged with a label or something.

Anyway, what’s so special about these brands anyway? For God’s sake, I still have Old Navy, GAP, and all the old clothing brands I know. When I walk into a store of these, they are all Asians  (and White)–here in SF.  It’s so rare to see minorities wearing these. Also what’s with the advertisement on the Abercrombie and Fitch? Always a bunch of half naked people. Is that why people go there? Not to mention, they’re all one race. Even though they try to hide it with Black and White effects, it’s preety obvious. And these clothes are really expensive. 

And if you’re not from San Francisco, it goes for you too. Next time you see people wear these brands, take note of their race/nationality and you’ll be amaze how similar most of the people who wear them.